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Fullstack Software Engineer

I design and code beautifully simple things, and I love what I do.

React Bootstrap logo
React Bootstrap logo

Hello, I’m Christian. Nice to meet you.

Since beginning my journey as a software engineer, I've done remote work for agencies, corporate and collaborated with talented people to create digital products for both business and consumer use. I've done many projects using different programming languages for five years, and I delivered them successfully. I'm very optimistic that I can help you.

React Bootstrap logo

I value simple and clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions.

#UI & UX#CSS#Responsivess
React Bootstrap logo

I like to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser.

React Bootstrap logo

I genuinely care about people, and love helping fellow developers on their craft.



Here are a few frameworks I've worked on


© 2022 Christian Villaruel